Friday, March 19, 2010

Blog Post #2: Swales Reading

Swales article gave me good ideas when it comes to my writing. Considering your audience is a very important. As a TESOL MALL student, I am always concerned with writing at an adequate level. I have always considered myself the audience. When I read, I pay more attention to ideas than the technical aspect of writing. I have found that my technical writing skills have been better, when I am not interested in the subject at all. It is very important that I develop the skills necessary to look at things from a technical perspective.
Swales mentions style in writing. I have always been able to write somewhat academically, but have a second nature of using clichés and colloquial expressions in my writing. Swales article points out some of the common mistakes that people have when writing. I have found many faults in my writing, which I hope to overcome. I have difficulty using conjunctions, connectors, and subordinators. Swales examples helped me practice editing these errors and I am sure, after practicing a bit more I will better at editing.
They did not teach writing at my high school. Our literature class was more like watch the movies based on a book and answer the questions. It was not until university that I had my first chance to write. I found that my ideas and general structure were good, but was disposed to using run on sentences and making grammatical mistakes. My writing has improved a bit since then. I have been waiting to take a class like this for quite some time and am glad to have the opportunity. These are the skills I have needed for a long time and I will put a lot of effort towards learning how to be a good writer/editor

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