Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Blog Post #3: My thesis topic and APA response

My thesis topic will be: "Blog Efficacy in Language Acquisition" (37 characters including spaces.)

I learned quite a bit about siting sources. The most useful thing I used is how to site my references in text. I learned that if you site the author as in Johnson (2001) says.... that you do not have to site it at the end of the paragraph. In the past, i have over sited. I learned that you need page numbers for direct quotations, but not paraphrases. I discovered the format that each type of reference material is different. It may be necessary to refer to the OWL APA site often when writing my reference page. In the past I have had trouble formatting my sources. The OWL website is a great place to turn when a student needs help siting references properly.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Adam.

    I agree with you. That OWL website is an excellent resource when working with the APA reference format. It also provides some good information on the more obscure forms of citation.
